Monitor Attendance to Keep Your Teen on Track
The older some kids get, the harder it is to get them to attend all their classes—and the more critical attendance becomes. When students skip classes, they get behind. Then they can lose motivation because they don't understand the material. Pretty soon they are giving up on school.
To support regular attendance:
- Check your teen's record. Contact the school or the teacher if you suspect your teen may be skipping school or classes. Review the attendance marked on your teen's report card.
- Make it a family priority. Talk about why attendance matters.
- Set a good example. Go to work—despite that late night. Don't pull your teen out of school for other activities—students should be in school unless they are ill, quarantined or there is a family emergency.
- Reward it. Offer a bonus when your teen's attendance has been consistently good. It could be a weekend outing or special time with you. Make sure it's something your student views as a reward.
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Gwinnett County Public Schools
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