Today's Tip for Families

[En español]


‘Snuggle Time’ Eases Children Into the Day Ahead

If you find it’s a struggle to get your children up in the morning and ready for school on time, give "Snuggle Time" a try.

Here's how:

  1. Begin by waking your child 15 minutes earlier than usual. Turn on the hall light and gently call his name. Then announce, "It’s snuggle time." This is a signal to your child that he can roll over, cuddle back up and get some extra snooze time.
  2. Make sure your child heard you by requiring some verbal acknowledgement from him.
  3. Turn the light back off.
  4. Return in 15 minutes to get your child up.

This snuggly transition time can make it easier for your child to get up and move on with the morning.

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West Point Consolidated School District

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