A Good Night's Sleep Promotes School Success
Studies show that getting even one additional hour of sleep each night can help children learn. Sleep makes brains work better. It helps students be more alert and able to pay better attention at school. As a result, they remember material with greater accuracy.
Here are some ideas to make sure your child gets the nine to 12 hours of sleep recommended by doctors:
- Monitor caffeine. Don't allow your child to consume caffeine within four hours of bedtime. Experts say children shouldn't drink caffeinated beverages at any time anyway.
- Encourage outdoor activity. Exercise and fresh air help children sleep better.
- Follow a schedule. Try to have the same times each day for meals and snacks, study time, playtime and bedtime.
- Create a bedtime routine. Have your child take a bath, put on pajamas, brush teeth and listen to a brief story. Review something positive from the day. Then, lights out. Follow the routine every night.
- Make your child feel safe. Turn on a night light at bedtime. Say that you'll check back later to make sure all is well.
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West Point Consolidated School District
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