Today's Tip for Families

[En español]


Choose Your Battles Wisely

Every day, there are probably numerous times where you and your child have a difference of opinion. Or when you want your child to do something differently.

Some of these things probably aren’t worth arguing about—like whether your child zips a jacket before going out. Children are more likely to listen when it counts if they aren’t constantly being corrected for tiny matters.

To avoid being overcritical, decide which issues are worth a confrontation—for example, following your family's basic rules is worth it, having perfectly brushed hair may not be. You can begin by taking a few minutes by yourself at the end of a typical day. Jot down the battles you had with your child. Decide which battles are worth the fight, should they come up again (and they most likely will), and which you can ignore in the future.

Brought to you by:

South Georgia Elementary School
Heather Newman, Principal

[School Success Ideas for Families]

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